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Chris Downey

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I am passionate about solving problems and I want to help companies and teams build solutions that make a positive impact on the world by iterating from ideas, to MVP, to products at scale that solve problems and bring value to customers and the company. When developing a product team, it's the culture of the company and the product team that comes first. What are the skillsets, values, norms, and product principals the team needs to be successful. With a diverse team in place, developing a product vision and strategy that aligns with the company strategy is next. That strategy is not static. Metrics area applied and the strategy evolves as the product evolves. Finally, execution of the product strategy. What are the artifacts and prototypes that need to be developed. How do we measure our success against the strategy? What cadence do we hold customer interviews, stakeholder meetings, how do we learn fast and develop products at scale? Great teams with strong visions can solve most problems and build great products! I have used my engineering education and my experience in sales and support to develop a holistic approach to product management that aligns product with business goals and engineering capabilities. After a dozen years in product management as a product manager or product director leading product management and marketing teams, I'll always be learning, but I've developed my own framework and a plan for successful product teams.

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