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Martin Codack

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Welcome to my profile page! Positive, ambitious, always looking to do more I have over 25 years experience in the Sales & Marketing arena including Direct Sales, Business Development and Account Mangement B2B roles with large organisations. Internet marketing, earning revenue online then being able to coach and mentor others to do the same has always facinated me and about 8 years ago I started to study how to earn a living on the internet and ended up following lots of so called guru's/experts who said they would make me rich - how naive I was to believe them - I found out the hard way later that it was a con they were only interested in my money and they didn't care if I became successful or not. The harsh reality is 97% of people who go online trying to earn a living end up losing money and 3% end up making massive amounts, fortunes infact - unfortunately I fell in to the 97% group! Who would like to be in the 3%?? We all know the internet is a 'pot of gold'​ yes and there are fortunes being made online right now as we speak! If that's the case, why aren't we all making fortunes then? Is it fair to say it's because we don't know how? It's that lack of knowledge that holds us all back because if we all knew how, we'd be doing it yes?!! Online advertising is a rapidly expanding market currently estimated to be worth $1Bn per day and companies like Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Youtube are making Billions every day from it. What if we could find a way to tap in to that huge market without all the overheads attached to a traditional business? What if we could partner with a company that had all the expertise - would we let them do it for us? To be able to: Help people get out of debt (society wants us in debt), Earn some extra money, Help others around the world in times of stress. I look forward to connecting with you and sharing ideas for mutual benefit.

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