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Ermi Mendoza-Isais's Linkedin Analytics

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Ermi Mendoza-Isais

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I'm a design leader with over 20 years of experience in creating and improving customer experiences across various digital channels and platforms. I'm currently the Design Lead at FLEET Technologies Ltd, a company that provides innovative mobility solutions for drivers, travelers, and taxi operators. I lead and design across product design, UI design, UX research, UX writing, visual design, branding, content, and marketing. I'm passionate about mentoring and educating others on UX best practices and emerging methodologies. I'm an active member of the UX community, attending and speaking at meetups and conferences, and writing articles for UX Collective. I'm also a top 10 mentor for ADPLIST, APAC 2021, where I've helped hundreds of designers from 10 countries develop confidence and leadership skills. I believe in the power of design to solve problems, create value, and make a positive impact on society.

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