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Firdaush Bhadha's Linkedin Analytics

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By prioritizing people-first processes and integrating user-friendly systems and tools, I collaborate with teams to align data products with strategic goals so business partners can make informed decisions. I advocate for a culture where cross-departmental collaboration is the norm, driven by a shared commitment to unlocking and nurturing the potential within people. ▬▬ People Leadership ▬▬ Following transformational leadership and organizational development principles, I delegate with, develop, and build collaborative teams. ▬▬ My Data Management Principles ▬▬ REPEATABILITY & PREDICTABILITY: The confidence in attaining similar results SCALABILITY & ACCESSIBILITY: The ease insights take to generate MEASURABILITY & INTERPRETABILITY: The simplicity of the information's structure ▬▬ Building Data Products ▬▬ Navigating data using SQL, C++, DBT, Python or visualizing data in Tableau, PowerBI, Sigma or Metabase to uncover avenues of growth. ▬▬ Holistic Planning ▬▬ I collaborate to build and integrate multi-department systems and processes to create a cohesive customer journey. ▬▬ Needs Analyses ▬▬ Projects are kickstarted to encourage optimal utilization and margins with business requirements gathering at the forefront. ▬▬ Product Marketing ▬▬ I communicate a product's value to internal and external stakeholders through the 3E Framework; Exposure, Education, or Experience. ▬▬ Market Research ▬▬ Emphasizing customer needs, market trends, and competitors, my market research provides actionable insights to inform business decisions and drive growth.

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