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Chris Holt

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At Focus Talent Group, we know you’re a Senior Executive in full-throttle mode to grow your company. In order to get there, you need to hire the right person for your team. But finding the right person is time-consuming. It feels impossible to dedicate serious attention to hiring. We understand your frustration. At Focus Talent Group, we believe your organization can only succeed with the right person on the team. With a comprehensive background in small to mid-size businesses, we take the tedious pain of finding a qualified candidate for you—so you can reclaim your time for growing your company. Here’s the Plan: • Step One: Email us your job description. • Step Two: We’ll find a high-performing candidate who can start immediately. • Step Three: You get to focus on growing your company. No more wasted time. No more endless searching. No more headaches. If you need help finding the right candidate ASAP, contact Focus Talent Group now. Schedule a call with us now so you can focus on growing a successful business: https://calendly.com/focustalentgroup/intro-phone-call-w-focus-talent-group-chris web: www.focustalentgroup.com email: [email protected] I highly encourage you to download our free Hiring Manager's Guide: https://www.focustalentgroup.com/freeguide

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