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Ganesh Raju

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As a visionary Chief Innovation Officer with 27 years of leadership in digital transformation, I specialize in AI, Blockchain, Web3, and open-source projects. My expertise in Big Data, Data Science, Analytics, Business Intelligence, Cloud computing, and AI has driven significant innovations across various sectors. I excel in strategizing IT roadmaps, architecting scalable solutions, and leading global teams, fostering a culture of innovation and advancing DevOps practices. Committed to leveraging my strategic leadership and technological expertise, I aim to drive business success and pioneer future technologies in senior executive roles. I founded and led Akshaya.io and RapidEVChargE to industry leadership. At Akshaya.io, I launched the world’s first phygital NFT, boosting engagement in Hospitality and Sports. At RapidEVChargE, I executed expansion strategies, managed global roadmaps, and secured government contracts and investments. My technical acumen spans Oil and Gas, IT, Sustainability, Healthcare, and Insurance, where I have applied emerging technologies to solve complex challenges, establish robust data governance, and drive innovations. Collaborating with major ARM vendors and open-source communities, I have enhanced Big Data and AI projects, focusing standardizing frameworks to improve performance and interoperability. My work in NLP / LLM includes text analysis, sentiment mining, and chatbots. Leveraging advanced AI frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras, with streamlined MLOps & AIOps, I ensure data integrity, security, and compliance, and implement predictive analytics and automated workflows for efficient operations. At Akshaya.io, I Led Blockchain, Cloud architectures, setting benchmarks for digital and physical product integration. I managed comprehensive go-to-market strategies and strategic partnerships, positioning these startups as industry leaders. My leadership extends to defining and executing expansion strategies, managing global growth roadmaps, and navigating government contracts and investment rounds. I advocate for advanced applications of AI, Blockchain, Data Science, High-Performance Computing (HPC), and IoT solutions. Driven by a passion for cleantech and sustainable solutions, I continuously seek to innovate and lead in the tech industry. My diverse expertise and leadership have positioned me as a pivotal figure in the tech community, ready to drive business success and pioneer future technologies in senior executive roles.

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