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George Hatzis

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I'm a problem solver that helps turn a company vision into a product vision. The goals I try to achieve are ones that helps the business and the users equally, all through product design. I'm a thoughtful designer who likes focusing on the bigger picture to make sure things are heading in a positive direction, but the details always come into conversation too. In my spare time, I like to work on my side projects as my multidisciplinary skills let me plan, design and build whatever fun idea comes to mind. I have a website where I post infographics about film, TV and sports that's gained millions of views and become a viral sensation many times. It's a rewarding exercise to get myself thinking outside the box, and connect with the pop culture I love so much. I also build a tool for designers, called Checklist Design. It showcases the best UI and UX practices to ensure a functional, production-ready experience. Checklists are a great way to look at the fundamentals and remind yourself about what matters most at the start of your next project.

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