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I like to solve problems and enjoy the elegance of a well-designed system. I believe that things function better when there's a well-balanced synergy between the software, electrical and mechanical aspects of a project. I'm passionate about doing the job right. I develop applications and daemons for Linux desktop and embedded systems using C, C++ and Python. Qt-based GUIs are deployed for user interaction. Most of these applications feature communication with remote hosts using various protocols stacks, including CANOpen, Modbus, MQTT transports (e.g. JSON via MQTT) and a few proprietary protocols. These applications are also included in Yocto recipes to create whole operating system builds, ready for deployment in a number of ways. The build often includes CMAKE lists to ensure that the correct dependencies are included in the Makefile. Source code is kept under control by SVN (Subversion), Git or Azure Devops My electrical control systems and PLC software operate worldwide in on a variety of turbines, HPUs, Methanol and other chemical injection units and HVAC / refrigeration systems. These systems run primarily on Siemens S7 range of PLCs in standard, redundant or failsafe configurations with accompanying HMIs running on either Siemens WinCC, Marco.de's ViSpro / ViSTwo Scada package or purpose-built Qt applications. Digital Twins of field hardware are built using WinMOD field simulation software, communicating with the PLC hardware using native bus drivers. Using these Digital Twins significantly improves software testing of PLC systems and effectively minimises on site time required to commission projects as control software can be effectively tested before installation. Many of the systems I've created operate in harsh, remote, on/offshore oil and gas environments or power plants in hazardous / explosive atmosphere areas. Feel free to ask for examples or explanations. I'm open to discussing projects with new clients too!

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