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Harsh Bakshi

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Experienced Entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology and Gaming industry. Skilled in Microsoft Azure being a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Microsoft Certified Trained, Business Development, Marketing Strategy, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Business consultation and growth. Rock Hard skills on C# and C++, Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, Linux server administration. Growing my company ( Skrots ) since 2013, and have expanded into various fields, do check out at https://linkedin.com/company/skrots Being an Intel Software Innovator adding myself to research on Intel Technologies and learning more in depth with the access to latest hardware and software provided by Intel. Being an Intel OneAPI Certified Instructor, having robust knowledge on oneAPI and its platforms. Robust knowledge of Game Development and 3D Designing worked on Unreal Engine, Unity, CRYENGINE, and 3D Modelling tools like Maya LT, 3DS Max, ZBrush, Marvelous Designer, and Capturing Reality for more than 6 years and counting. VR & AR Development Experience, HTC Vive & Oculus Apps developer. Been working with Products from Reallusion such as iClone, CrazyTalk, CrazyTalk Animator, and Character Creator for more than 4 years and counting. Also, Developing Animated Videos using Adobe After Effects and Video Editing using Adobe Premiere Pro for more than 5 years and counting. Worked on UI/UX Designing using Affinity Designer, Adobe Photoshop & Corel Draw for more than 4 years and counting. Have Developed and Published more than 10 Android Apps, 5 Games on PC and Virtual Reality, 17 Websites made on wordpress on various clients, Custom made Cloud Storage Software, HRMS Software, School Management System, Hospital Management System, Marketing Suite, Automation Bots for Trading on TradingView using Pinescript and Python, Worked on other self made bots.

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