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Hayden Bleasel

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Hi, I’m Hayden Bleasel. I’m an Australian designer and engineer. I enjoy turning complex problems into meaningful solutions through design and code. I focus on simplicity, thoughtfulness, accessibility and a learning-based approach to my work. I help companies make experiences their customers love by collaborating closely with cross-functional teams and partnering with other teams in Engineering, Research and more to take ideas from concept to launch to growth. My primary focus is product design for iOS, Android and Web. I’m best at screen designs in the form of UI and UX; and creating, maintaining and growing design systems. I’m relatively good at branding, copywriting and a few others. I follow a lean, iterative approach to design centred around empathy, constant learning and ideation; consisting of end-to-end visual design, prototyping, testing and measuring success of products and design systems. While I’m typically happy owning the end-to-end design process, I also enjoy working with and fostering tight-knit, collaborative and diverse design teams.

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