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Hilda Quiñones-Pérez, M.Ed.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Hilda Quiñones-Pérez, M.Ed.

Hilda Quiñones-Pérez, M.Ed.

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Experienced Instructional Designer & Learning Professional known for crafting impactful learning experiences that seamlessly integrate real-world applications into eLearning modules. Versatile in both corporate and higher education environments, I exhibit strong communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills. Areas of Expertise: 📚 Learning Theory and Pedagogy: Proficient in applying diverse learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and connectivism) to create engaging and effective learning experiences. 📌 Instructional Design Models: Well-versed in methodologies like ADDIE, SAM, and others for structured and effective course development. 💻 E-Learning Development: Skilled in utilizing e-learning authoring tools such as Articulate Storyline, Degreed, Canva, and various LMS platforms to design interactive online courses. 🗓️ Project Management: Demonstrated ability in project management, ensuring timely delivery, optimal resource management, and budget adherence. Committed to continuous learning and growth within the dynamic L&D industry, I strive to enhance my expertise and contribute to pioneering advancements in the field. Let's connect and explore the possibilities!

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