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Iqbal Sumalani Trainer 🌟 Consultant

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I am from Quetta city and local of Quetta District. My first language is Brahvi but I can also speak and understand other local languages .I have been working as a social activist and volunteer since Long with different national and international organizations UNDP,UN, UNICEF,IR and UNHCR and local organizations and projects like BRSP, RAHA,Tarki foundation etc.beside this I had two years experience of teaching as visiting lecturer at University twelve years experience of elementary school head master.currently I am board member of Azth foundation lead facilitator British council Pakistan associate trainer empowerment through creative integration Pakistan .working with youth and education institutions about personal development, career counseling motivation and Guidance is totally free I devoted my self volunteerly through out Balochistan ( let's change Balochistan) I am .Also enterpuner working on Agribusiness and food security.

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