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Experience is the key to success, as well as, you get paid according to the problems you solve. #jajam Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect - Google Cloud, Sept. 2019 Tengo conocimentos en Google Cloud Platform: Security and DevOps, Cloud Functions (Serverlss), App Engine (Code Centric), Compute Engine (containers), Kubernetes Engine (containers), Cloud Pub/Sub (Messages), Cloud Storage (Object Blob), Cloud Datastore (NoSQL Document), Cloud Firebase (NoSQL Document), Cloud Bigtable (Massive NoSQL), Cloud SQL (PostgreSQL % MySQL), BigQuery (SQL & DDL for BigData). Google Cloud Platform Cursos: Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Developer Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Google Kubernetes Engine Deep Dive Google Cloud Security Essentials Google App Engine Deep Dive Google Cloud Functions Deep Dive Google Cloud Essentials Google Cloud Concepts CompTIA's Cloud Essentials AWS Cloud Platform Cursos: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner -Cloud Native On-Prem: Docker and kubernets, Cloud Foundry, On-Premise - Linux Cursos: Cloud Foundry Certified Developer DevOps Essentials Microservice Applications in Kubernetes Python Development YAML Essentials LPI Linux Essentials Oracle Cursos: Oracle OSM III AIA Order to Activate Solution. Oracle OSM II Order Decomposition & Orchestration. Oracle OSM I Task, Processes & Orders. Oracle AIA Foundation Pack 11g: Developing Applications/. Oracle SOA Suite 11g: Build Composite Applications Ed 3. SOA Cursos: IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus – Implementing an ESB. Developing Business Integration Solution for IBM WebSphere Process. Orchestrating Service with Progress Sonic Bpel Server. Automatización de pruebas, suite de herramientas de Compuware. Otros Cursos: Curso de ABAP. Introducción a Oracle (SQL*Plus - PL/SQL).

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