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Jay Emmanuel Garcia's Linkedin Analytics

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👋 I’m J. Emmanuel Garcia, a Real Estate Sales Expert, passionate Trainer and Mentor in the Sales industry, and a Life and Career Coach. As a Sales Mentor, I help identify strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals, and develop the skills needed to succeed. I love being a Life and Career Coach because it gives me the opportunity to help people achieve their goals and reach their full potential. 🏆 I have: ●Helped 500+ clients find their dream homes and investments ●Generated more than Php 1 billion plus pesos in revenue for my company and clients ●Won multiple awards as a top producing Sales Manager and Salesperson ●Recruited, Trained and Mentored 500+ young professionals in sales, marketing, and management. 💡 I love what I do because I believe that Life is about Paying It Forward. Life is about building relationships, creating value in what you do, and making a difference in people’s lives. 🚀 I’m always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow and learn. 👥 🙏 Thank you for reading about me. Have a great day!

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