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Jean Martínez's Linkedin Analytics

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Jean Martínez

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I work with small, medium, and large companies in the US, Europe, and LATAM. I have audited, managed, and optimized more than 200 Google Ads accounts in different industries - including but not limited to saas companies, property management, health care, real estate, restaurants, retail, and E-commerce stores, and much more. This is what you can expect if you work with me: ✅ We'll have a call to discuss your goals and KPIs. ✅ You'll give me access to your account to analyze/review your campaigns and find areas to improve, this includes campaign settings, keywords, conversion tracking, etc. I'll show you exactly how to boost your performance and increase results (Leads, sales, form submissions, calls, or bookings). 📈 ✅ I'll optimize your campaigns and make sure you are getting the best results with the best ROI.📊 ✅ I'll closely monitor the performance and make changes as required to meet your goals.🕵🏼 Let's talk to connect your ideas with the right marketing strategy! 🚀

Check out Jean Martínez's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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