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Jeremy Old

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I help clients to improve productivity, employee engagement and overall business performance. My typical approach is to guide the leadership team through a process of team based business planning known as 'Hoshin Kanri'. Apart from engaging the whole organization in the improvement process, Hoshin Kanri aligns improvement initiatives with operational activity and long-term strategy. Developed by Toyota and used by other lean companies such as Sony and Intel, Hoshin Kanri is not just for the big guys, but also radically improves the profitability and success rate of strategic change for small owner managed enterprises. My book, ‘Reinventing management thinking’ explains in plain English the science behind my work. Creating a more natural working culture enables a 50 + % jump in productivity and consistently multiplies profits. I also provide leadership training on-line via the Udemy platform. Qualified to MBA level and I have advanced coaching skills with a post-graduate diploma in psychotherapy. Get in touch if you would like to learn more about how I can help you boost productivity and make your business more profitable. Specialties: Business improvement planning, employee engagement, leadership and management training, strategic and operational planning, Hoshin Kanri and lean, change management, performance improvement, motivation, organizational development, stress management, organizational stress auditing.

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