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Jerome Bonneville's Linkedin Analytics

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Jerome Bonneville

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Are you tired of simply being good at your craft while struggling to attract leads? Is your business lagging behind in Google Maps rankings? Do you offer your website visitors different options to do business with you? Is your website stuck in the 1990s or does it look fresh and up-to-date? Are your social media efforts showing that you're still thriving? In this digital world, all these aspects matter. People want quick connections with businesses and don't want to spend hours trying to reach out via phone. And let's face it, who would they choose: the business with 5 reviews or the one with a whopping 78? You already know the answer. So, let's get real. How would you score your online presence and your ability to effortlessly turn leads into customers? If you're sick of spending hours qualifying prospects, repeating the same answers, or juggling multiple platforms for messages, I'm here to rescue you. I'll automate most of your admin tasks, provide you with one central hub to handle all your online communication, and make your business shine online. I want people to feel foolish for not contacting you, and I'll make you respond so fast that they won't have time to consider a competitor. It's time to automate your business and focus on the money-making tasks. Connect with me or click the link in the featured section to book a call! To your success! Jerome

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