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Hi there! I am a Macro Nutrition Coach who at the core of my heart, is simply a mama helping other working mamas take charge of their health and energy one bite at a time. I have always been work-oriented, spending over 10 years working in the retail industry and I loved it! So, five years ago when I got pregnant I made the tough choice to continue working. After my delivery, I was in a tough spot. I was experiencing motherhood for the first time and going through an emotionally difficult phase of my life. The most important lesson being a mom taught me? Health & nutrition matter. Fitness & nutrition became my holy grail. They kept me sane so that I could show up for myself & my son while continuing my career as a retail manager. Soon, I found myself diving deeper & deeper into nutrition and helping other working moms regain their energy & their lives. This was the start of something new, something bigger. I created Valued Nutrition with the mission to impact working moms across all stages of life and help them unlock their true potential by making nutrition & fitness easy. In my coaching program, there are no diets or calorie counting. I strictly believe in daily movement & clean eating so that you can have the energy to do work-home-hobby … and then some. Fun fact about me? If there is something I love close to being a mom, it is helping other working moms commit to themselves & accomplish their goals. There is more to us than just our titles & jobs.

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