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Jim Harrison

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A senior director in online media, responsible for developing new content ideas, new distribution platforms and new revenue streams for sports partners like World Rugby, Formula E, Gran Turismo, Sail GP and Manchester City FC. Currently Founder of xG Studios, a start-up development lab focusing on Web 3 community and utility driven projects in sport. As the NFT and blockchain space transforms sports - and xG Studios is a coalition of sports professionals who have been early in embracing this space and are investing in developing new projects for this space. Prior to that, led Sports Partnerships at Firework, a 9-16 short video platform known as the 'Decentralised TikTok' and whilst at Engage, oversaw social strategy for the 2019 Rugby World Cup where the combination of engaging content, platform optimisation, community management and new partnerships with TikTok and Snapchat led to over 2bn highly engaged view. Was responsible for the development of Manchester City's award-winning CityTV (2010-15) and the English Football Association’s FATV. Specialties: Web 3, blockchain, social media, digital marketing, content production, fan engagement, community management, revenue generation, video production and distribution.

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