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Joel Abah

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Struggling to convert your landing page or website visitors into customers? Or maybe you've put your time, money and sweat into your website but the bounce rate keeps increasing I hop on websites and landing pages and after spending some time on them... I still can't figure out what they do. Or how they help... And the truth is that there a lot of factors that affect the coversions of your websites. But the biggest is your copy... The writings on your website. You can have the best design and UI and still not make sales. Because while they are nice, they are not the reason why people buy from you. And its not about mixing words and phrases... it's about creating a value proposition and presenting your strong reason why you're the person they want. Words have strong influence on people and maximizing its potentials can go a long way to increase conversions. And that's where i come in..... I'm Joel, a website copywriter that specializes in crafting clear and compelling words that speak directly to your target audience. I help brands and businesses come up with compelling value proposition and offers for your product and service making it stand out among the crwod You can follow me as i share tips i use to increase conversions on the websites i work on... But why not have someone who knows the ingredients do the work for you. I have helped business go from little or no message to crafting a strong message on their websites. Hear what my client had to say about a job I did... "Joel demonstrated a deep understanding of my brand voice and messaging goals. He also took his time on the research as it speaks directly to my target audience and moves them to convert" So... you just to sit back and watch your conversions skyrocket 2x or even more. Are you ready to increase sales and conversions on your websites... Send me a dm and lets turn your websites into revenue generating machines.

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