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Joel Wasserman's Linkedin Analytics

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Joel Wasserman

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As a Partner at Human Relations Studio, I co-founded a rebranding studio that helps companies at crucial stages of evolution establish a profound connection with their human audience. I have over 20 years of experience in design, creating and shaping beloved brands and product experiences that resonate with people worldwide. My expertise spans a wide range of areas, including brand strategy, identity, positioning, art direction, packaging design, UX/CX research, product strategy, marketing design, product testing, and visual design. I also provide valuable advisory services to startups and lifestyle consumer brands, using my creative problem-solving skills, mentorship, process establishment, team building, and creative sourcing abilities. I am passionate about transforming the brand identity of companies at crucial stages of evolution, as I firmly believe that a powerful brand identity can elevate a company's positioning, broaden its customer base, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

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