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I began my career as a janitor in a fabrication factory and when I left corporate America 25 years later I was a senior director of human resources. I started human resource consulting in 1997 because I believed most small company's did not need a full time H.R. person. I added business coaching to my portfolio a few years later when one of my clients asked for my help when he became president of the company I was doing some work for. A few years later another client asked me to help in starting another railroad. He had tracks, a train and customers. He didn't have team members or a leadership team. With a few other folks in his organization we put together a team that ultimately exceeded their expectations. I was asked to coach their management team and conducted leadership training for all of their management team plus their union committee. A few years later someone noticed I'd been running a successful company and asked me what I did to be so successful considering as he put it I "didn't look like I could walk and chew gum at the same time." Since then, I've helped a hundred or so people make the transition from the office desk or work bench to doing the things they'd always dreamed of doing. I could go on and on. I could tell you about how I helped a now successful microbrewery with their start up and they were only able to pay me with neon bar signs. I'll save that one for when we meet. I'm married to my BFF Joanie. We have six adult children and 9 grandchildren ranging from 3 months to 18 years. As far as transparency goes all I can tell you is "What you see is what you get." I hope to connect with you soon.

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