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Jonathan Bara's Linkedin Analytics

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Jonathan Bara

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➡️ What do I do? I help online businesses increase their organic visibility internationally through link building & SEO. In the past 5 years, I conducted over #100 backlink campaigns for top-rated businesses such as KuCoin, Preply, ExpressVPN, Kriptomat, and other medium-large sized brands. I've worked closely with CEOs, Marketing Managers, and SEOs, helping them achieve top rankings for various regions such as USA, UK, FR, DE, NL, IT, ES, RO, PL, HU, SK and more. ➡️ Why work with me? - I own a portfolio with over 70,000 sites available for link building in over 20 countries such as: ✪ Germany ✪ Austria ✪ Switzerland ✪ UK ✪ USA ✪ Ukraine ✪ Russia ✪ Netherlands ✪ Czech ✪ Romania ✪ France ✪ Turkey ✪ Spain ✪ Italy ✪ Hungary ✪ Slovakia ✪ Portugal ✪ Brazil ✪ Lithuania ✪ Bulgaria ✪ Croatia ✪ Greece ✪ Denmark ✪ Sweden ✪ Norway - Access to publish content on the most exclusive sites such as msn.com, bfmtv.com, zdnet.de, eltiempo.com, uai.com.br, techradar.com, and more. - Proven experience working with leader-industry brands - Adjusted pricing model for every project ➡️ Drop me a message and I'll send you a personalized list with relevant sites for your project.

Check out Jonathan Bara's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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