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I have this little habit of turning former ambitious corporate professionals into successful online entrepreneurs. Neat, huh? But, before we get to HOW, let's rewind a few years, picture me, knee-deep in the financial services industry, crunching numbers and managing global programs for Switzerland’s largest bank. I was practically a high priestess in the corporate cult - a commanding executive, having worked at not one, but two of the Big4 companies, with a ritzy title, hefty paycheck, and an endless list of responsibilities. Then came the dreaded phone call in 2019, a heart-wrenching wake-up call about my father's illness. It felt like a slap from reality, compelling me to re-evaluate my life and choices. Now, I don't know about you, but for me, it was the jolt I needed to leap from my golden corporate cage and free fall into the thrilling world of entrepreneurship. It was my wake-up call. Scary? Absolutely! Worth it? Definitely! A lot has happened since then, and I've made it my mission to help other Service Providers and give them the tools they need to build and optimize their businesses, in their own style. And by style, I mean without the constraints of a 9-5 routine or a glass ceiling on their earnings. I specialize in turning "what ifs" into "heck yeahs!" Ever tried to create an online offer / a digital product - and then it didn't sell? Or if you were lucky, you sold it once or twice... Well. That's where I come in. Depending on where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, I have different options on how I can help you - but they all have ONE thing in common and that is: You have to have a HIGH QUALITY AUDIENCE that is ready to invest in your services. Even if you would have the most AMAZING OFFER, if you don't have the right audience - no-one will be ready to buy. As so many others, I was way too impatient; I changed a sales process, and Group Coaching Program that actually worked - and started to chase "scaling" way too soon. But here's the thing; You can't SCALE until you have an offer that really works - and by works I mean it's validated AND it gets the results your clients want. I help my clients in two steps: STEP ONE: Build a HIGHLY ENGAGED audience that is READY TO BUY on LinkedIn STEP TWO: Create a VALIDATED, SCALABLE ONLINE COURSE, so they can SCALE; Selling and Serving One-to-Many. I help my clients become the NUMBER ONE CHOICE within their Niche, make $$$ and validate their online offers BEFORE they are even built and created! If you want to learn more, connect with me in a DM 📩

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