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Kelsey Brown

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Meet Kelsey Brown, a diligent and hard-working Content Creator and Arts Administrator! As a dynamic educator with nine years of rich experience in the K-12 sector, Kelsey is now transitioning her expertise into the realm of Content Creation. Her career is fueled by a passion for highlighting the mission, goals, and impact of an organization through engaging content creation, a strong social media presence, and innovative marketing strategies. Her professional experience building engaging content for education, combined with her performance and first-hand marketing experience as a performing artist and administrator, gives her a wealth of expertise to create meaningful, engaging content! She is also a skilled arts administrator with over ten years of experience in the performing arts. Having worked with numerous non-profit performing arts companies, as well as having directed and produced productions with a plethora of school districts, she is well-versed in event planning, budgeting, marketing, and fundraising. Furthermore, she mixes this wealth of experience with her firsthand development as a performing artist, having performed at prestigious venues such as 54 Below (New York City) and the Kimmel Center (Philadelphia). AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Multi-Tasking, Clerical Skills, Presentation Skills, Typing, Customer Service, Public Relations, Event Planning, Proofreading, Editing, Marketing, Fundraising, Social Media, Multimedia Content Creation, Brand Awareness, Budget Management, Project Management, Interpersonal Skills, Team Collaboration, Effective Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Easily Adaptable. TECHNOLOGY SKILLS: Canva, Microsoft Suite, Microsoft Teams, Google Suite, Learning Management Systems (Google Classroom, Moodle, Cornerstone), Instructional Design Frameworks (ADDIE), Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Suite, InShot, Asana, Todoist, Zoom.

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