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Ken Garcia

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I'm an established Instructional Designer, Retired Soldier, Husband and Girls’ Dad. I’ve worked in corporate and higher education organizations as an ID and am venturing out on my own as a contractor. I’ve lived in many different places around the world and have built relationships with people from many different cultures. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, hiking, running and exercising. One day soon I plan to travel and work simultaneously so I can do all the things I love. I really love working with others and enjoy working in a cross-functional, team environment. Some things I've done in the past are instruction/training, operations management, research and development, business management and coaching. I'm definitely open to connecting with and learning from other professionals. However, if you're going to try to pitch me something, if you're a FOREX or Bitcoin person or a pretty person who works for Estée Lauder...You. Will. Get. My. Side. Eye.

Check out Ken Garcia 's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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