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Kiran Mendapara's Linkedin Analytics

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Kiran Mendapara

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With over 16 years of experience in the IT industry, I am a seasoned business partner at Aspire Software Consultancy, an innovative and dynamic company that provides software outsourcing and offshore services for individuals, small and medium sized businesses, and corporate clients worldwide. I am passionate about harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies to empower businesses and individuals, and deliver solutions that make a difference. As a business partner, I am involved in sales, marketing, and lead generation, as well as project management, team leadership, and client relationship. I have a strong background in software development in Java/J2EE, Spring, and web technologies, and have worked in hotel, travel, and logistic domains. I have spearheaded complex projects, cultivated high-performing teams, and delivered exceptional outcomes. I am renowned as a trusted advisor to clients, consistently surpassing expectations and forging enduring partnerships.

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