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Kimberly Boyd, MBA, CCSP, GCDF, CSA's Linkedin Analytics

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As a seasoned Talent Acquisition Consultant, I excel in providing strategic and impactful human resource solutions to drive success within dedicated business units. With a focus on optimizing recruitment processes, I lead end-to-end talent acquisition efforts, adeptly navigating sourcing, screening, and hiring to ensure the placement of top-tier candidates across diverse roles and organizational levels. My professional mission is rooted in guiding individuals to discover and pursue their passions, empowering them with the necessary skills and tools for success in their careers. Leveraging my strengths in communication, relationship building, and critical thinking, I deliver high-quality, personalized services to clients, partners, and colleagues. Beyond my corporate role, I have extended my expertise as an online instructor in business communication and also serve as a dedicated and certified career coach. Complementing my professional pursuits, I am deeply engaged in advocacy and leadership within the vitiligo community. Serving as an executive board member of the Global Vitiligo Foundation and leading the VStrong Support Community in Detroit, MI, I am dedicated to driving meaningful change and support for individuals affected by vitiligo, exemplifying my commitment to community and social responsibility.

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