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Jason Lane

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My current mission is delivering learner centric, performance based trainings for internal sales teams within Amazon Web Services (AWS), leveraging various delivery methods to drive growth. I’ve spent the last 9 years working in a sales capacity across various industries including; Consumer Electronics, Telecommunications, Information Services & Data, Retail, Marketing, Renewable Energy, and CPG, where I developed a deep understanding of sales strategy and selling skills. In that time, I have found my calling in the L&D space for several large-scale companies where I have built out sales training programs consisting of global and national new hire onboarding programs, selling skills models, product trainings, micro video trainings, and LMS coursework. I have designed and delivered presentations to various audiences, ranging from boardrooms with Fortune 500 executives, large auditoriums with hundreds in attendance, to virtual & in-person classrooms. I have a passion for developing teams to reach higher results. As a futurist and technology pioneer, I am always looking for new and different ways to deliver better results. When you work with me, you can expect me to listen to your needs and collaborate with your team to deliver results. I am recognized professionally for project management, visual design, attention to detail, and presentation creation/delivery. In my free time, I enjoy spending family time with my wife and daughter, learning about new technology trends, grilling, and collecting vinyl records, & cheering on the Chicago Bulls. I’ve also had a passion for traveling since my time studying abroad in college. My wife and I like to travel to new places whenever possible to experience new cultures and cuisines. Our most recent trip was exploring the beautiful country of Thailand!

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