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Lee Atkinson

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I am the Chief Operating Officer at Modern World Business Solutions, a white label fintech company that provides end-to-end payments solutions for businesses of all sizes. With over 14 years of experience in sales, marketing, commercial operations, and project management, I lead the company's strategic vision, product development, and organisational transformation to deliver innovative and customer-centric solutions in the competitive and dynamic fintech industry. My core competencies include leading and empowering cross-functional teams, devising and executing data-driven strategies, developing and launching products, driving organisational change and managing projects. I am also a Salesforce Certified Administrator (SCA) and have leveraged the Salesforce.com platform to roll out new programmes, deploy instances, and run marketing campaigns. Additionally, I am passionate about hockey and run a company that manufactures and imports hockey sticks, endorsed by over 300 players. I enjoy travelling, meeting new people, and learning from different cultures.

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