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Unorthodox Project Manager who likes to help others break into project management in new and unique ways! I do this by helping aspiring project managers ID pain points for why they aren't getting PM opportunities. These typically present as one of three deficiencies: > Lack of identified relevant experience > Improper resume presentation > Poor/underutilized tactics for networking Once identified, we work through ways they can improve those pain points and leverage them appropriately for a new opportunity Background about me and project management experience: I spent 7.5 years in laboratory bench science while gaining project management experience. Obtained my PMP certification in 2018, was officially promoted to Research Project Manager in 2020, and now am a Senior Project Manager with our Enterprise Project Management Office, overseeing highly-visible strategic projects across our healthcare org's Midwest footprint. Other PM experience: - Project oversight of multiple preclinical gene therapies - Project management of small molecule and repurposed drug screening projects - Establishment of a standalone screening facility to collaborate with other research institutions, pharmaceutical, and therapeutics companies

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