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Loman McCaffrey

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As Head of Cloud, I work closely with the experts in our Cloud, Security and Consulting Services practices to help them develop and deliver Cloud solutions and services for large enterprise-sized clients based in Ireland and the UK.  Together, we help clients to successfully navigate the ever-changing world of technology, designing technical solutions and managed services which help to accelerate digital transformation in their organization.  I've worked in the Irish IT industry for over 20 years, mainly in senior Sales selling complex technical solutions, which enables me draw upon a deep technical knowledge of enterprise hardware/software and managed services.  I also have significant experience of working with clients to help them build business cases and programme strategies to compete for projects to advance their business objectives. Outside of work, I enjoy Gaelic football, a sport which I've played since I was a child. Although now I only play socially, I coach several teams of 10-14 year-old boys and girls, and enjoy passing on my knowledge to the next generation.  Specialities: #DigitalTransformation | #Security | #CyberSecurity | #DataProtection | #DataPrivacy | #Compliance | #Cloud | #HybridCloud | #ArtificialIntelligence | #AI | #SaaS | #PaaS | Managed Services | Hardware | Mobility  Contact: Email: [email protected]   Phone +353 86 8360565

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