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Lucy Griffiths's Linkedin Analytics

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💥 I help you live more, and work less... 💝 👉Author of best seller Make Money While You Sleep 💝 🚀 Sold over 50,000 courses. 🌟 and help you turn your knowledge and experience into a membership and digital course, so you scale your business and get your life back ⭐️ Create passive income and spend more time with those you love, doing what you love 💝 Check out details on my Membership Course Academy 👉👉https://video.lucygriffiths.com/masterclass ⭐️ Or join my Make Money While You Sleep membership for $49 or £39 a month: https://video.lucygriffiths.com/mmwysmembership ⭐️ I'm a former TV journalist who spent years working in Asia 🛺 🏯🗺 and the Middle East 🎥🎥🎥. I have a Masters in Coaching, and I utilise my 20 years of TV and radio, and my coaching skills to help you use video and courses to explode your business growth. ⭐️ I can teach you and your team how to create courses that SELL! Even if you're scared of selling. 💥 I also work 1-2-1 with a limited number of clients 💥 📧 Please visit: https://lucygriffiths.com/ or email [email protected] for more 💝

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