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Mahbub Rahman

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Mahbub Rahman is the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Kinetik. He oversees the implementation of product development, architecture and growth of the technology team. He works closely with the security and compliance team to position Kinetik as the leader in data protection and security standards for the healthcare transportation industry. Prior to Kinetik, Mahbub was a full stack engineer, who graduated with a BS in Computer Science from New York Institute of Technology. He graduated as top of class 2017 along with his experience of working on various software projects and technical internships. He interned at Zairge, a hotel management software suite startup; Disruptive Technologists, event management company that promotes early stage startups/disruptive ideas and Xtreme Solutions, LLC, where he worked on a software project for MTA. In addition to design and development of Kinetik’s application, he also developed the encryption and decryption tools that are being used for all the transactions between various healthcare entities. He is looking forward to the day when Kinetik’s proprietary transaction format will be the standard for exchanging healthcare transportation data.

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