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Manan Trivedi

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I started my freelance journey writing explainer video scripts for B2B, B2C & SaaS businesses. Over the next few years, I worked with over 20+ startups, writing long-form blogs & other content formats to power their content marketing efforts. I also experimented with different marketing formats, working with top startups & dabbling in a few myself (fintech, e-commerce etc.). Moving ahead, I co-founded a content marketing company, gaining experience with sales and business, while working with the top startups of India. After exiting the agency in early 2021, I've now shifted my focus towards helping creators, coaches & consultants grow online. Are you a founder trying to reach out to spread your message? Or want high-paying, premium clients for your products/services? With an experience of 4+ years, I specialize in helping creators and founders build authentic personal brands with funnel-oriented content strategy & persuasive writing. Curious about how this all would work? Let's get on a 20-min discovery call to explore more about your services and how we can help you to multiply your sales 🚀

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