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Maria C J Ward's Linkedin Analytics

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Having spent over 20 years as a Team Manager within John Lewis Glasgow and enjoying the multitude of opportunities presented, a few years ago I decided to take a chance on a sidestep in order to take my career on a different trajectory. I brought along my bag of learned leadership skills and put them into practice as a Shop Support Partner. This move enables me to embrace change and participate in a new venture which saw me hone skills further in finance, recruitment, It incident management, scheduling and data manipulation whilst working with a whole range of software packages such as word, excel and Workday. After playing a crucial role during the Coronovirus Pandemic, which saw me change roles again as part of a shop redeployment team and working remotely for the first time ever in my career - I kinda liked it! When the opportunity presented itself to become part of our contact centre as a case manager for escalated complaints, I leapt at the opportunity. My current role within JL is as a Commercial Analyst for our Vendor Management function.

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