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Matthew Armstrong ๐Ÿ’ช's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Matthew Armstrong ๐Ÿ’ช

Matthew Armstrong ๐Ÿ’ช

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The ParabolicPages' approach. 1. Actively connecting with your ideal prospect. 2. Tactfully and professionally nudging and engaging to stay top of mind. 3. Drip content to stay top of mind - Demand Generation / Social Selling. 4. Understand traffic flows to optimize your conversion process, the clients that understand this is a dynamic environment - win. 5. If budgets permit, roll on LinkedIn paid ads to allow further nurturing of prospects who take high-intent actions: view Company Pages or Load Websites. This is my core offer - it works. If this sounds like something you want to learn more about, let's have a chat. You can easily get in touch with me here: Message me on LinkedIn

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