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Maximilian Gruschwitz PMP®'s Linkedin Analytics

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Maximilian Gruschwitz PMP®

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I am a senior project manager and leader in the tax and compliance space. Project management, analytics, digital transformation, organisational change, innovation and strategy are my key strengths. From small to large organisations, I have a broad and detailed understanding of implementing emerging and future technologies. Travelling, board games, VR, skiing, experiencing different cultures and connecting with people - while relishing art and novelty - is how I prefer to live. Highlights: ✅ Leading a Capgemini team of 10 as product owner and intrapreneur: developing a product from my original idea of an AI x Blockchain x Cloud combination, to finished minimum viable product. ✅ With KPMG, worked on extremely large infrastructure projects (doing P3M as PMO lead for big strategic projects) and CDD/KYC for a bulge bracket bank. Prior I undertook IT audits for large firms such as banks and industrials. ✅ Business consultancy from '15 to '16 providing bespoke consultancy services for multinationals interested in the Peruvian market. ✅ Started my career advising a variety of startups: Tech, Consumer Goods, Sustainability and VR. Specialties: Emerging Technology, Strategy, XR, Cloud, AI, Blockchain, Leadership, Sustainability/ESG, Infrastructure, Project Management (P3M), Information Risk Management, Market Analysis, International, Sales, Relationship Management, Digital Transformation, Management Consultancy, Entrepreneurship, Metaverse, Web 3.0.

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