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After some years protecting personnel and or assets, be it in a management or individual contributor, I decided it was time to hang it up. Why would I give up something I love you ask? Good question, the answer, my twin sons. After years of crazy shifts and missing out on countless occasions, it was time to be more present in their lives. After a short stint with a few agency recruitment firms, I knew that was not the path for me. Luckily, someone that had worked for me in the past had also left the industry and presented me with an opportunity. Years later, I couldn't be happier about the change! Holding a position in Customer Success allows me to do something that was near and dear to my heart. Something which I loved about my previous career, helping others. If you lead with integrity and always do what's right for the client, (or perspective client) the numbers will work themselves out. I'm living proof of that! Do what you love, have fun, and help others, if more people lived like this, the world would be a happier place. In my humble opinion :) If you're reading this, and think I can be of service, reach out. I'm always happy to help, isn't that why we're here after all.
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