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Md Zahoor Mukarram

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Hello! My name is Zahoor, and I am an experienced Lead Generator and Email Researcher. I have 10 years of experience in lead generation and have handled numerous large projects to completion. I find success in utilizing LinkedIn sales navigator where we are able to collect targeted leads successfully. I am also able to offer support and complete work in the following software and areas: - Mail tester - Rapportive - LinkedIn Sales Navigator - Hola - Lusha - Clearbit - VoilaNobert - Email Hunter - Contact Out - Datanyze - Find That Lead - FTE (FindThatEmail) - Charlies App - Find Any Email - And more! Whatever tools or processes we use, we will give you verified emails only with the goal of lower email bounce rates. I look forward to building a strong, long-term relationship with all our clients and look forward to speaking with you! Besides I can do graphic design work: Logo Design, Banner Design, Image clipping path-Back Ground Remove, Book Cover Design, Etc So Much Good & Faster Skills I will provide a full SEO campaign for websites and google maps Complete Monthly SEO service focuses on 8 different aspects: 1. Keyword Research 2. Competitor Analysis 3. Technical Analysis and optimization 4. On-page Analysis and optimization 5. Voice Search 6. GMB optimization and local listing 7. Off-page optimization 8. High Authority do-follow Backlinks Initial Process: In-depth Audit Competitors and Niche Analysis In-depth Keyword Research On-Page/Technical SEO: Title Tags Meta Description H1-H6 Content Keywords Usage Image Alt Texts Interlinking Technical Off-Page Optimization - Link Building: Backlink Profile Analyses Competitors' Backlinks Analysis Foundational backlinks Thanks Connect with me at: Upwork Link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01d731069bbd443c44 SEO catalog: https://www.upwork.com/services/product/marketing-complete-seo-google-ranking-on-page-technical-off-page-seo-1609984638899699712?ref=project_share Fiverr Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/users/expertzoneb/manage_gigs Fiverr SEO Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/expertzoneb/provide-full-seo-services-for-monthly-or-contractual Website: https://dev-bestseoexpertsbd.pantheonsite.io/ https://dev-topfreelancerbd.pantheonsite.io/

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