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Mike Carlooch

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Most businesses who are coming into the social media space are like sheep in a herd. Doing exactly what everyone else is doing, and speaking to the exact same audience, with the same words and phrases.. It's painful for them because people in their market are becoming blind to them even though the value that they offer in their free content and paid products can absolutely change people's lives.. They are over-analyzing social media, looking at unimportant things like views and followers, meanwhile, the thing that matters is the fact that in 20 years, someone can be scrolling through a social media page and see that post, and make a buying decision BASED off of that post! Now think about this - Ford and Nike in the 1980's WISH they had the opportunity that we have today as entrepreneurs. We get to do build our brands for FREE! A lot of us take it for granted... If we can be the needle in the haystack that provides ACTIONABLE content, that provides BREAKTHROUGHS by saying general concepts in NOVEL WAYS, and we do it A LOT as opposed to doing it half-heartedly.. We can be the savior in our potential client's lives.. This is why we've developed our system at LoochiMedia to help you become the eagle that is flying over the herd of sheep, in the opposite direction on social media. How do we do this? 1. We come up with your ideas for you. Don't have time to come up with all of these creative ideas for videos..? No problem. We'll come up with 30 of them for you EVERY MONTH. 2. We come to you and film for you. We'll schedule days with your team, drive out to you, and film FOR YOU with our equipment from the comfort of your own space. We'll film all of the video ideas for the month on that day.. Meaning every day OTHER than filming, your social media will be on automatic mode with us doing it all.. 3. We edit all the short videos for you We then take your videos and do all of our techy editing stuff to turn the footage we filmed for you into short, binge-worthy videos that your audience can consume for hours on end if they so choose.. 4. We post all of the videos for you And of course, before posting these videos, we get your approval on them! 5. We optimize the posts for you. We'll write out your captions for you, We'll post your videos to your stories, and hashtag your videos with hashtags relevant to New Jersey. Now, are you serious about dominating social media in 2023? Let's make this happen! Apply for your free personalized gameplan with no strings attached here: bit.ly/42zKkrK

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