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Michael Ullman

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I am a results-oriented high technology sales and marketing professional with over 20 years of experience involved with Information Technology as both a provider and a customer. I have a proven track record of breaking into new business with large enterprise companies such as Pacific Life, Activision Blizzard, Hoag Memorial Hospital, Latham & Watkins, and many others by developing strategic long lasting relationships. I pride myself on giving my customers a sense of confidence that I am there to help solve problems and deliver accountability when called upon. They consider me an extension of their organizations, focused on delivering solutions that translate to value. I also pride myself on working with my valued partner ecosystems, providing them with a trust based partnership so that we are mutually successful. I have experience with software defined solutions, converged infrastructure, HCI, Data Protection, Security, and Cloud (AWS, Azure, IBM and Google) hybrid strategies for my customers. I welcome contact by both customers and partners. Specialties and Skills: ♦ Account Management ♦ New Business ♦ Financial ROI ♦ Presentation Skills ♦ Problem Solving ♦ Win-Win Negotiation ♦ Creative Financing ♦ Cloud ♦ HCI ♦ Storage Infrastructure ♦ Software Defined ♦ Business Process ♦ Security ♦ Networking ♦ Solutions ♦ Trust Relationships ♦ Workflows ♦ SaaS ♦ IaaS ♦

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