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Ayumi Mizoshiri

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外資系のSaaSソリューションの導入&コンサルの会社を経営しております。ServiceNow, Mendix, Boomi, Acquia, Hubspot, SmartSheet, CampaignStudio, Coupa, Marketo and more... I founded Sazae in 2015 after identifying a gap in the IT market for an agency that specializes in serving Japanese businesses based in Australia. With a background in Web and Mobile App development, I have amassed a wealth of consultation experience through corporate engagements and innovative projects across Japan and Australia. As an entrepreneur at heart, I am passionate about evaluating different business models, understanding a company's IT infrastructure, and designing the best technology solutions to help them achieve their business goals. When I first arrived in Australia, I noticed a lack of support for Japanese IT professionals. To address this, I founded JAIT, a networking event now active in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Tokyo. The event serves as a platform for Japanese and Australian professionals to exchange ideas and learn from each other's cultures. Under my leadership, the community has grown to over 1,200 members since its inception in 2009.

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