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A dedicated business professional with an solid 16-year journey marked by continuous growth and unwavering determination. My expertise spans commercial management and e-commerce operations, including sales planning, operational excellence, growth strategies, and elevating customer experiences. I've had the privilege to collaborate with a range of industries, from telecommunications to real estate, SaaS to logistics, transportation to aviation. A main success factor of mine is my profound appreciation for diversity and its role in my professional evolution. It's the diverse experiences and perspectives that have empowered me to lead teams and entire business units toward the realization of our strategic objectives by using integrated commercial & business approaches. In my world, every challenge is a door to opportunity, and stepping beyond our comfort zones is where we find our true potential. Let's embrace these opportunities together and forge new paths towards greater success. Specialties: *Operations Excellence *Customer experience. *Growth & Commercial Planning. *Leadership, people management, Coaching & Team building. *Analytical & Strategic Thinking. *Market Analysis, Planning & Business development. *Complex sales process & Deals Negotiations. *Product Management. *Customer success & Strategic Account management. *Commercial Management *Project Management.

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