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Mohammad Akbar Ali Khan's Linkedin Analytics

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Mohammad Akbar Ali Khan

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Passionate, results-driven SEO Engineer with a customer-focused approach and a knack for analytical thinking. I thrive on innovative problem-solving and bring a strong background in design and integration to the table. My goal is to further develop my skills and expertise in a company that offers opportunities for growth and career advancement. With over 4 years of hands-on experience in SEO, I excel in site analysis, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and link building for businesses and professionals. My expertise includes utilizing SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, and other tools to perform keyword research and backlink analysis. I possess comprehensive knowledge of Google Algorithm changes, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console. Understanding the intricacies of the search engine industry, industry standards, best practices, algorithms, and ranking strategies empowers me to drive exceptional results. My capabilities encompass a wide array of SEO techniques, including competitor analysis, SEO audits, fixing errors, keyword research, search-optimized content creation, on-page SEO strategies, off-page/link-building strategies, and local SEO approaches. Additionally, I am well-versed in SEO penalty removal, content gap analysis, guest post outreach, PR link building, HARO link building, forum link building, Wikipedia link building, blog optimization, Google Analytics, Search Console, and email marketing. Having a solid understanding of how website structure affects SEO, I am familiar with HTML, CSS, and WordPress. My analytical acumen enables me to gauge the success of optimization efforts accurately. I believe in effective communication with all levels of an organization, advocating teamwork, and demonstrating the ability to multitask and meet deadlines. As I continue to pursue excellence in the field of SEO, I am eager to explore new challenges and contribute my expertise to drive impactful results for businesses.

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