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Muhammad Wajeeh Arif's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Muhammad Wajeeh Arif

Muhammad Wajeeh Arif

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"From petroleum precision to data-driven decisions, my transition to data analytics unveiled a world of insights waiting to be uncovered. Engineering taught me how to build, but data analytics showed me how to elevate." A Petroleum engineer turned Data Analyst who finds joy in working with data. I'm also a firm believer in lifelong learning. In 2021, I transitioned to data by teaching myself Python, SQL, PowerBi, and Tableau. 💡Skills • Databases: SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL, BigQuery), Excel • Python (Numpy, Pandas) • Visualisation: Tableau, Matplotlib, Seaborn, PowerBi • Version Control System: Git • Machine Learning 📚 Portfolio • GitHub: https://github.com/muhammadwajeeharif • Tableau: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/muhammad.wajeeh.arif 📌 Open to Opportunities • Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Junior Data Scientist

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