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Muzammil Abbas's Linkedin Analytics

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Muzammil Abbas

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Enhance your business with the latest digital marketing techniques. Experienced Senior SEO Executive with a demonstrated history of working in the Digital Marketing, Boxes, E-commerce, Roofing and Windows, Solar system, Transportation, Online Certification, Telecommunication, and Real Estate Industry. Skilled in SEO, SMM, SEM, and WordPress Development. I'm a top-notched content marketing expert who has managed to generate leads for my local business clients and managed to take my marketing agency to the top. We are already dealing with 50+ local and international clients and have a team of specialists who will do link building & SEO. We can provide you with 100 keywords per your area and rank them as well with different techniques. Aside from keywords, I want you to learn more about our services and proceedings. This is how we proceed: 1) We'll do business listings for your business on top 100 business listing sites in America. 2) We'll do ad posting for your business to specific keywords that you're focusing more and that are driving more traffic. 3) We'll do video posting & infographic sharing generating Do-Follow Links with the focused keywords 4) We'll run a campaign of guest posting on top DA websites that will make relevant backlinks with 10 guest postings per week(As you know content is the new King!) 5) Q/A's with viral questions that will generate more relevant traffic. 6) Image sharing. 7) High DA backlinks from Web 2.0s. 8) Google My Business Listing's ranking in each area of your service. 9) Generate results in just 1 month and take focused keywords to the top page in just 1 month!

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