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I am an information hummingbird - exploring deeply and then moving on to the next thing. I have a Masters in Library and Information Science (MLIS) and help identify and solve information problems of all kinds, even and especially when you don’t know that you have them. I help make finding and using information less overwhelming. And I’ve always got a supply of trivia and/or reading recommendations to share. I pride myself in my ability to identify innovative solutions to complex information problems. And in helping to solve information problems, I help others to develop their information literacy skills and their confidence in their own information processing abilities. I have helped students, teachers, and community members to build their information literacy skills - developing their information seeking methodology, improving their online searching skills, practicing how to adjust their questions based on what they find, etc. In learning these practical skills, they are able to apply their background information and critical thinking skills to their information problems. I have broad experience in non-profit communal services and education. My training in library and information science has prepared me to employ my transferable skills to address diverse information needs in a broad range of fields. In past positions, I have created and implemented data system standards and carried out an overhaul of a 40,000+ record database. The results included more accurate fundraising reporting, decreases in wasted mail, and improved constituent satisfaction. I build strong working relationships between staff and volunteers and encourage community and participant involvement. I am interested in continuing to expand my Information skill set while applying my experience and passion to serve organizations and the community.

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