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There’s no shortage of words. On LinkedIn alone, you can scroll through endless words penned by humans (some less than) until old, hair the color of bone, and never reach the end. But every word in the palm of your hand does you no good. You need a select few–thoughtfully arranged. To create meaningful connections. To resonate with your customers. To reestablish what it means to communicate. I’m a copywriter who works with purpose-led brands like you to find the words that establish you as the brand for your customers. I’ve written for personal development, B2B, and B2C brands, looking for thoughtfully arranged sales emails, landing pages, and more. And since you’re here, it means I’ve done something right in just several lines. So imagine what would happen if we worked together. Intrigued? Don’t wait. Send me a message on LinkedIn or email me at [email protected].

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