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After working almost 7 years as a Software Engineer in different roles, I was offered an opportunity to work as a Business analyst. The opportunity that I took. I always envied product roles and their contribution in Product Development. And it was my turn to be one. For around 6 years, I have worked in different product roles, learning new things and product areas. I have failed, learnt and achieved in this period. There were challenges, but with right support, process and actions, I faced those head on. Deciding to take that leap was not easy. Simply because I was leaving behind my technical experience and embracing a new one. With time I have realised, that is just a mindset. With proper research and process, you can take "The Product Leap" with confidence. With my experience of moving into product role, I am here to share those experiences and help the professionals who are at that stage now. Follow me to know about my experiences and how that can help you in similar times. I write a weekly Newsletter on my learnings and the actions I took, that helped me take that leap. Subscribe to my free Newsletter - https://www.nitishrana.net/subscribe

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